wanting to have it so badly.
my new home, Penang.
im currently gonna start studying in KDU.
gone through a few days of orientation.
enjoying it. i get to go to ghotel.
one of the famous hotel. 5 stars hotel in Penang. :)
hmmm. so ya start school on monday.
WOW! is like im entering college life dee.
so fast ;X everyone's leaving.
im back at ipoh for the moment.
leaving tomorrow.
i came back to take my stuff.
PENANG is good.
i've been kinda travelling at penang.
maybe i make an effort to travel around penang.
visit some special places.
food there not bad. but i still prefer ipoh's food.
im currently staying in the hostel.
facilities there not bad.
it might be old but still okay. :)
what more can i say?
MISS my family of course and my honey and my beloved friends.
MWAAHhhhhhhh :X
and yeah i have dye back my hair black.
wasn't allowed to have colourful hair in culinary arts.HAHAHA.